Ride With Us

Whether you plan to race, or just enjoy the challenge of cycling and the fresh air, join us on a ride! Many of our fastest racers began as complete novices. Team rides throughout the fall, as well as clinics and workshops for members, help new riders become stronger, more knowledgeable, and more comfortable on their bicycle. All are welcome!

Race With Us

Harvard races in the Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference against other colleges and universities across New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. We focus primarily on road cycling, which goes from March until May. There are opportunities to compete in collegiate mountain biking and cyclocross races as well.


Harvard Kit

We are proud to offer our team kit for sale. Our racing kit is custom designed by student racers and is manufactured by Gobik. We offer a range of items of items for fair-weather riding as well as racing and training in cold New England winters.

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